Hamza ibn Ali ibn Ahmad

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This page created on: 08/06/2024

Last modified: 08/06/2024


Hamza ibn Ali ibn Ahmad is a seminal figure in the history of the Druze faith, serving as its founder and primary theologian. His teachings and leadership established the doctrines and practices that continue to shape the Druze community today.

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Religious Figures


Hamza ibn Ali ibn Ahmad is a seminal figure in the history of the Druze faith, serving as its founder and primary theologian. Born in the late 10th century, Hamza’s religious teachings and leadership played a crucial role in establishing the doctrines and practices of the Druze community. His contributions have had a lasting impact, shaping the spiritual and cultural identity of the Druze people to this day.

Early Life

Hamza ibn Ali ibn Ahmad was born around 985 CE in the city of Zozan, located in the Khorasan region of present-day Iran. Little is known about his early life, but historical accounts suggest that he was well-educated and deeply influenced by the religious and philosophical currents of his time.

Religious Context

The Fatimid Caliphate

Hamza’s emergence as a religious leader occurred during the reign of the Fatimid Caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, who ruled Egypt from 996 to 1021 CE. The Fatimid Caliphate was an Ismaili Shia dynasty that promoted a unique blend of Islamic teachings, often incorporating esoteric and mystical elements. Al-Hakim himself was a controversial figure, known for his eccentric and often radical religious policies.

Foundation of the Druze Faith

In 1017 CE, Hamza ibn Ali proclaimed the foundation of the Druze faith, presenting it as a new religious doctrine that diverged from mainstream Islam. He declared Al-Hakim to be a divine manifestation, a central tenet of the Druze belief system. Hamza’s teachings emphasized the unity of God, the importance of wisdom (hikma), and the esoteric interpretation of religious texts.

Core Teachings

Monotheism and Divine Unity

At the heart of Hamza’s teachings is a strict form of monotheism, which asserts the oneness and transcendence of God. This belief rejects any anthropomorphic representations of the divine and stresses the ineffable nature of God.

The Role of Al-Hakim

Hamza taught that Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah was an incarnation of the divine, a concept that distinguished the Druze faith from other Islamic sects. This belief in Al-Hakim’s divinity remains a cornerstone of Druze theology.

Esoteric Knowledge

The Druze faith places a strong emphasis on esoteric knowledge and the inner meanings of religious texts. Hamza’s writings, collectively known as the Epistles of Wisdom (Rasa’il al-Hikma), form the core of Druze scripture. These texts provide a framework for understanding the spiritual truths hidden beneath the surface of religious teachings.

Establishing the Druze Community

Missionary Efforts

Hamza ibn Ali ibn Ahmad, along with his disciples, undertook extensive missionary efforts to spread the Druze faith. This period, known as the “Call” (Da’wa), was marked by active proselytizing and the establishment of a cohesive religious community. Hamza’s charismatic leadership and theological insights attracted a significant following, particularly in the mountainous regions of present-day Lebanon and Syria.

The Closing of the Call

In 1043 CE, the Druze leaders declared the “closing of the Call,” ceasing all missionary activities and establishing a policy of endogamy (marrying within the community) to preserve their religious identity. This decision marked the transition of the Druze faith from a proselytizing movement to a closed, insular community.


Spiritual Influence

Hamza ibn Ali ibn Ahmad’s teachings continue to be the foundation of the Druze faith. His emphasis on wisdom, esoteric knowledge, and the divine nature of Al-Hakim remains central to Druze beliefs and practices. The Druze community regards Hamza as a prophet and a spiritual guide whose insights have shaped their religious identity.

Cultural Impact

Beyond his theological contributions, Hamza’s legacy also includes the cultural cohesion and resilience of the Druze people. The community’s adherence to his teachings has fostered a strong sense of identity and solidarity, enabling them to maintain their distinct traditions despite external pressures and challenges.

Modern Relevance

Today, the Druze faith continues to thrive in Lebanon, Syria, and Israel, with communities also present in the diaspora. Hamza ibn Ali’s influence is evident in the ongoing importance of wisdom, learning, and spiritual introspection within the Druze community. His teachings are studied and revered, ensuring that his legacy endures.


Hamza ibn Ali ibn Ahmad stands as a pivotal figure in the history of the Druze faith. His visionary teachings and leadership established the foundations of a unique religious tradition that has endured for over a millennium. Through his emphasis on divine unity, esoteric knowledge, and the special role of Al-Hakim, Hamza’s legacy continues to inspire and guide the Druze community.

Further Reading


  1. Betts, Robert Brenton. The Druze. Yale University Press, 1988.
  2. Firro, Kais M. A History of the Druzes. Brill, 1992.
  3. Dana, Nissim. The Druze in the Middle East. Sussex Academic Press, 2003.

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